Bicycle lock frozen: What to do?

Bicycles are a sought-after thief - especially since the trend not only points in the increasingly popular e-bikes towards high-priced models. Indispensable as a claw prophylaxis is a stable bicycle lock. Especially in winter, his efficacy behaves against the owner itself: because when the bicycle is parked on the fresh air, it can happen that the lock is freezed and can not open.

Dry after the bath

Frozen Padlocks No More - padlock, bike U-lock frost fix

In order to prevent such evil surprises, it makes sense to always have a de-icing spray parat, which is then sprayed into the locking mechanism. After a short wait, the lock should be opened again. Can also help - if to organize - the bathroom in a bowl of hot water. After that, however, the lock must be well dried so that it does not completely freeze again.

Stay away from the lighter

No good idea, however, is to use a lighter. "Many locks are provided with a plastic sheath, which melts with heat," warns Peter Schnitzler from Ergo insurance, and the castle itself can become extremely hot and cause injury when contacting the hands.

But there are also measures that prevent freezing: fat, lubricant or anti-frost spray, for example. And maybe it will help when the lock is attached so that the locking cylinder shows down - so maybe freezing rain can not even penetrate.


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