NEXT-GEN-ZELDA: Awesome remake of Ocarina of Time inspires the network

A talented YouTuber is currently working on a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. We introduce you to the elaborate project and tell you how you can still play the remake today.

you have to see this Zelda!

Ocarina of Time is probably the most legendary Zelda part and with a Metacritic score of 99 percent also one of the best video games ever.

No wonder that the Nintendo 64 game captivates countless players even 20 years after its release. Below is also the YouTuber Cryzenx, who works on a remake for Ocarina of Time .

In regular update videos, it not only shows gameplay on his channel, but also provides insights into the elaborate development :

Cryzenx currently uses the Unreal Engine 4 for the remake, which makes the project even more impressive. Especially if you compare it to Breath of the Wild, which also uses the Unreal Engine 4.

⭐[4K] Zelda Ocarina of Time Next Gen #1: Kakariko Village - Unreal Engine 5

It is clearly noticeable how limited the engine is on the switch while it unfolds her full potential on the PC . For example, the remake offers realistic light, as well as dynamic smoke and water effects.

Cryzenx has already announced that he wants to switch to the Unreal Engine 5 in the future so that the project will be worthy of a real next-gen game.

Small note: You can download the latest version of the Ocarina-of-Time remake via the Discord server from Cryzenx. You can find the link on its YouTube channel.

If you want to know what to expect: Cryzenx has uploaded a walkthrough from his project on YouTube.

When does the next big Zelda appear?

For the next official Zelda, Breath of the Wild 2, you have to wait a while. Nintendo moved the big adventure from Link to the year 2023 .

However, there are rumors that a Zelda collection for the Nintendo Switch will be released this autumn. According to an industry insider Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, this should include. So far, as I said, these are only rumors. We processed the exact background in our own article:


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